Science Friday - Evolution, or More STUPID DESIGN?

Scientists have discovered fossils of a 375-million-year-old fish, a large scaly creature not seen before, that they say is a long-sought missing link in the evolution of some fishes from water to a life walking on four limbs on land.No way! Those scientists must not have read the Bible! God created everything exactly how it is... (in seven days). Like Jethro said, "Fish didn't make lizards, God did."
The skeletons have the fins, scales and other attributes of a giant fish, four to nine feet long. But on closer examination, the scientists found telling anatomical traits of a transitional creature, a fish that is still a fish but has changes that anticipate the emergence of land animals — and is thus a predecessor of amphibians, reptiles and dinosaurs, mammals and eventually humans.
"Praise Jesus!" Indeed, Herb.
Fish with feet? God aint having none of that!
Science Friday kid. Makin' fun of the Bibble-thumpers who've got their eyes (fingers) on thew government. Solidarity in separation, Herbert W.
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