This week PRESIDENT BUSH was HIDING BEHIND GENERAL PETRAEUS. Why? ...It's Bush's (Cheney's) policy.
Why does Bush hide behind the General?
Because he's a Coward...
President Bush, all this year, has been HIDING BEHIND EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE, rather than having the courage to just answer some questions, or testify under oath, or defend his policies (honestly), or otherwise face ANY KIND OF OVERSIGHT.
And what's with everyone, especially PRESIDENT BUSH, blaming Maliki, or the handpicked Iraqi government for not fixing their broken-country FASTER? That's like Bush HIDING BEHIND HIS VERY OWN PUPPET! [Or something.]
Maliki is supposed to solve the myriad of tribal, ethnic, and religious problems which have existed for thousands of years? It's a country chock-full of Hatfields and McCoys, and Clampitts. They hate eachother. And they're s'posed to sing "Kum-bay-ah" & prosper... [?] After Bush opened up their borders and let the riff-raff in, for four years; And after Bush allowed the Museums to BURN along with their ancient cultural history/identity; And after Bush BOMBED Iraq's infrastructure -- phone and powerlines, water, dams, highways, etc. -- and then INSISTED THAT BUSH/CHENEY'S INCOMPETENT, INEXPERIENCED CRONY FRIENDS REBUILD EVERYTHING... Well the Bush Crony reconstruction has been a TOTAL FAILURE -- they can't do anything right, and if they do someone'll blow-it-up a.s.a.p.; There's not even potable water, medicine, or electricity... SECURITY? Outside the Green Zone? NO WAY! Not for anybody...
"Political Reconciliation?"
Please! President Bush and the Republican Party can't reconcile anything, with anybody... Even with water and electricity and bridges... Okay, I'll check on the bridges. Bye, Herb.
Why does Bush hide behind the General?
President Bush, all this year, has been HIDING BEHIND EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE, rather than having the courage to just answer some questions, or testify under oath, or defend his policies (honestly), or otherwise face ANY KIND OF OVERSIGHT.
And what's with everyone, especially PRESIDENT BUSH, blaming Maliki, or the handpicked Iraqi government for not fixing their broken-country FASTER? That's like Bush HIDING BEHIND HIS VERY OWN PUPPET! [Or something.]
Maliki is supposed to solve the myriad of tribal, ethnic, and religious problems which have existed for thousands of years? It's a country chock-full of Hatfields and McCoys, and Clampitts. They hate eachother. And they're s'posed to sing "Kum-bay-ah" & prosper... [?] After Bush opened up their borders and let the riff-raff in, for four years; And after Bush allowed the Museums to BURN along with their ancient cultural history/identity; And after Bush BOMBED Iraq's infrastructure -- phone and powerlines, water, dams, highways, etc. -- and then INSISTED THAT BUSH/CHENEY'S INCOMPETENT, INEXPERIENCED CRONY FRIENDS REBUILD EVERYTHING... Well the Bush Crony reconstruction has been a TOTAL FAILURE -- they can't do anything right, and if they do someone'll blow-it-up a.s.a.p.; There's not even potable water, medicine, or electricity... SECURITY? Outside the Green Zone? NO WAY! Not for anybody...
"Political Reconciliation?"
Please! President Bush and the Republican Party can't reconcile anything, with anybody... Even with water and electricity and bridges... Okay, I'll check on the bridges. Bye, Herb.
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