Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Good Daily Summary from Thinkprogress... More: Bush Administration Bad-Policy Wreckage

See ThinkProgress, [HERE], for links
to the individual stories. In each case,
BLAME BUSH/CHENEY (Puppet/Pig, respectively.):
While President Bush is attending a Mideast conference in Annapolis this morning, “he won’t remain there for long.” He “plans to head back to the White House after delivering his opening speech to the diplomats and dignitaries at the U.S. Naval Academy.” White House aides said he wasn’t planning to offer new American proposals to resolve the conflict.

The WSJ’s Bret Stephens recalls, when the House Speaker visited Syrian President Bashar Assad back in April, “President Bush denounced her for sending ‘mixed signals’ that ‘lead the Assad government to believe they are part of the mainstream of the international community, when in fact they are a state sponsor of terror.’” Today, Assad will sit with Condoleezza Rice.

At least 1.4 million homeowners will lose their properties to foreclosure in 2008 while “the property value of U.S. homes will fall by $1.2 trillion,” says a new report by the the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the Council for the New American City. The report predicts “deep economic impact from ongoing housing market problems.”

In an attempt to put to rest concerns over his ignorance about FISA reform legislation, Time magazine columnist Joe Klein writes, “I have neither the time nor legal background to figure out who’s right.” Glenn Greenwald responds by noting “the extreme lack of professionalism and corruption required” for Klein to say he “isn’t interested in bothering to find out (and isn’t even capable of determining) if anything he wrote was accurate.”

USA Today’s DeWayne Wikham writes, “While there is still little evidence to suggest that Bush was knowingly involved in this coverup [of the Plame outing], the evidence against Cheney is piling up. … This trail of lies and deception has put Cheney on the same path that led to Nixon’s impeachment."
"Vice President" Cheney, dick, went to the hospital yesterday, and Doctors confirmed what many have long-suspected: the man has NO HEART, and is COLD-BLOODED. I made-up the last part only...
ALL THE REST IS TRUE! Your not having a nightmare: these guys are still SQUATTING in The White House ruining everything. The "Dollar," is now officially: "Toast!" I could go on, but I'm gonna go vomit instead... G'night, Herb.


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