Thursday, September 20, 2007

"DISGUSTING" & "IRRESPONSIBLE" President George W. Bush Held a News Conference Today. He Whined & Complained & Blamed Everything On Others...

The KING OF HYPOCRISY complained about Democrats doing stuff, he ragged on for the "Betray Us, or Petraeus?" advertisement.

He was quite UN-Presidential... It was the spoiled-brat always-got-his-way or got-daddy-to-bail-him-out CHILD at the podium today. Pathetic, and publicly embarrassing. Again! Congress should pass a law that Bush propaganda speeches, for the rest of his term, are prohibited from being broadcast.

He's STUPID yet thinks he can outwit the public [the world], and he's consistently DISHONEST, and unimaginably ILL-ADVISED; He shouldn't make any more speeches, shouldn't have any more news-conferences, and should not by-any-means travel abroad anymore...



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