Friday, June 16, 2006

HALLIBURTON, Definitely "Wants Us There" Too!

House Repub's are playin' games (pol'tics) with the war, again:
Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., a decorated Marine veteran who argues the United States has exhausted its military usefulness in Iraq, said Thursday, "There's less than 1,000 al Qaeda in Iraq but we're caught in this civil war between 100,000 Shias and 20,000 Sunnis fighting with each other.

"You know who wants us to stay in Iraq right now?" Murtha said. "Al Qaeda wants us there because it recruits people for them. China wants us there. North Korea wants us there. Russia wants us there... Stay and we'll pay, not only pay in dollars..." 6/17
Amen. Brother Jack!
Preach on, Herb.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Bush Sneaks Into Baghdad, Again (yawn)!

The more things change, the more they don't:
Here we are... Years, thousands, & trillions later... Same FAKE president, same FAKE war. Vu Ja De?
Indeed, Herb.

Transgender G.O.P. Spokesperson, Ann Coulter, Offends The Senses...

Controversial [?] "Ad Age" editorial, which ends thusly:
...Would it kill you, "Godless" author Ann Coulter, to do us all a favor and kill yourself? (Oh, well, yeah, I guess it would kill you.)

After her recent rabidly hateful, foaming-at-the-mouth, sub-human "Today" show appearance -- in which she reiterated her assertion that 9/11 widows are "enjoying their husband's deaths" -- even her former supporters began to fantasize about how much nicer the world would be if it were Coulterless.
She is one sick man! Later, Herb.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


They're so... gay!

LATER/UPDATE: Proposed constitutional amendment FAILED, did not even get 50 votes in the Senate. (Would've required 67 votes, at least - to amend Constitution.)
Oh well, we'll try again... in October.

It's: Adam & Eve,
NOT Madame & Eve!
Damnit, Herb.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Seriously! What The Hell Are They Doing? BASTARDS!

The "War" is a disaster. All of 'em! Iraq, Afghani, Terror.

Gas prices, anybody?
Stolen elections (Diebold).
Tax cuts... bankrupted the Treasury.
No Federal assistance, for anythjing: FEMA - disaster!

(GOP) Ethics scandals galore--Congress mostly. Corruption, cronies. Crack!
Criminal investigations: Fraud, perjury, treason ("insidious" traitors), corruption... Oh, hookers!

Global Warming! (Warmth is good?)
Terrorists everywhere.
Bird Flu pandemic(s)? You hope not!
National Parks, once.
International reputation, ruined! Military (is) being destroyed, by chickenhawks...
Fraud, waste, mismanagement, death, pollution, war. LIES. Gas prices (again) ...Jesus!

WAR, WAR, WAR : Losing, losing, lost!
Time to elect some LEADERS, Herb.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Going, Going... GONE!

THANKS: Supreme-court-five,
Moron-Americans, Fox-news,