Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Definitely the COOLEST PRESIDENT... Since Kennedy, For Sure*

*...at which point, we certainly would anticipate some fine arguments from our Irish and/or Catholic friends.

Monday, March 02, 2009

President Obama's Three-Legged-Stool vs.Republicans' No-Leg-To-Stand-On

[Link here, you can watch it...]
Today on ABC’s This Week, Karl Rove slammed the cost of President Obama’s new budget. The Nation’s Katrina Vanden Heuvel quickly fired back at Rove’s newly-discovered sense of fiscal responsibility, observing that Rove and President Bush “helped plunge this nation into trillion dollars of debt”:

ROVE: Call me Karl.

VANDEN HEUVEL: It’s laughable for you to talk about fiscal responsibility from someone who helped plunge this nation into trillion dollars of debt, through tax cuts for the very rich and a war we never should have fought. And also starving the beast. Starving government has been a Republican role in terms of government. And, therefore, when George asks why government hasn’t functioned, people have not seen the role of government improving the conditions of their lives for decades.
"Call me Karl?" Ha! Then she calls him a "laughable" FOOL! It would admittedly be funnier if Karl Rove wasn't such a corrupt evil bastard. Thanx Ms. Vanden Heuvel,
for NOT calling him "Karl," Herb.