Monday, October 29, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Juan Cole speaks on The DISASTROUS Bush/Cheney Foreign Policy
Via Americablog, QUOTE:
(The [clearly] ill-advised & consistently-incompetent Bush/Cheney "administration"*) has long viewed Turkey and Pakistan as the bookends of its greater Middle East policy, two staunch allies as the anchors of policy.
In the past few weeks, of course, tensions in these two nations have reached new highs, with Turkey furious about terrorist attacks originating in Iraqi Kurdistan and Pakistan's increasingly precarious political situation punctuated by a massive attack against former prime minister Bhutto.
Overall, (Middle East expert Juan Cole paints) a disturbing and scary picture of an administration that is invested in the Iraq war to the complete exclusion of any strategic approach:
*My only contribution to this post, parenthetical, as usual, Herb.
(The [clearly] ill-advised & consistently-incompetent Bush/Cheney "administration"*) has long viewed Turkey and Pakistan as the bookends of its greater Middle East policy, two staunch allies as the anchors of policy.
In the past few weeks, of course, tensions in these two nations have reached new highs, with Turkey furious about terrorist attacks originating in Iraqi Kurdistan and Pakistan's increasingly precarious political situation punctuated by a massive attack against former prime minister Bhutto.
Overall, (Middle East expert Juan Cole paints) a disturbing and scary picture of an administration that is invested in the Iraq war to the complete exclusion of any strategic approach:
Like a drunken millionaire gambling away a fortune at a Las Vegas casino, the BushThere's really nothing else to say...
administration squandered all the assets it began with by invading Iraq and unleashing chaos in the Gulf. The secular Baath Party in Iraq was replaced by Shiite fundamentalists, Sunni Salafi fundamentalists and Kurdish separatists. The pressure the Bush administration put on the Pakistani military government to combat Muslim militants in that country weakened the legitimacy of Musharraf, whom the Pakistani public increasingly viewed as an oppressive American puppet. Iraqi Kurdistan's willingness to give safe haven to the PKK alienated Turkey from both the new Iraqi government and its American patrons. Search-and-destroy missions in Afghanistan have predictably turned increasing numbers of Pushtun villagers against the United States, NATO and Karzai.
*My only contribution to this post, parenthetical, as usual, Herb.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press
Monday, 22 October 2007...
WASHINGTON - President Bush will ask Congress for another $46 Billion to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and finance other national security needs, The Associated Press has learned....And about a million Iraqis*; And some ten million displaced/homeless refugees in neighboring countries*;
The figure, which Bush was expected to announce later Monday at the White House, brings to $196.4 Billion the total requested by the administration for operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere for the (past year).
To date, Congress has already provided more than $455 Billion for the Iraq war, with stepped-up military operations running about $12 Billion a month. The war has claimed the lives of more than 3,830 members of the U.S. military...
Destabilizing the world -- it ain't cheap...
We all pay taxes (except the very-wealthy). President Bush spends 'em: 1) all of 'em & more, 2) on stuff nobody wants, 3) and as a bonus, he ruins EVERYTHING... Then Bush VETOES Children's Healthcare ["S-CHIP"?]?? [???] Seee below, for California Representative Pete Stark's meltdown over the INSANE BUSH/REPUBLICAN PRIORITIES...

Friday, October 12, 2007
Nobel Peace Prize announcement sends "Conservatives" into GROUP-TANTRUM... because it goes to Vice President & Global Ambassador Al Gore.

Why 'they freakin'-out, Ma?[ - L - O - C - K - B - O - X - ]

"Conservatives" FEAR
Al Gore's competence
and credibility.
The Nobel Institute [?] doesn't have prizes for: Incompetent Leadership, Lying & Fake Wars, or Destabilizing the World... So George Bush won't be gettin' any Nobel Prizes -- Get used to it!
In an L.A. Times op-ed, Jonathan Chait explains how, to Conservatives, AL GORE'S SUCCESS(es) is (are) a reminder of GEORGE W. BUSH'S FAILURE(s).
Indeed, in the political culture, Gore's role is as a negative indicator of the president's standing. For all the talk of a "new Al Gore," there's nothing new about the man. His public reputation is almost entirely a function of Bush's. [...]In the title of this post I added Global Ambassador to Gore's title -- just to BLOW A GASKET, in case any "monkeys" happened by the Juncture... 'happens more than you think. Monkey-mail... We gets it, Herb.
The defensiveness of Gore's critics comes because he is the ultimate rebuke to Bush.
Gore, obviously, is the great historic counter-factual, the man who would have been president if Florida had a functioning ballot system. More than that, he is the anti-Bush**. He is intellectual and introverted, while Bush is simplistic and backslapping.
**Technically George Bush would be the "anti-Gore"; and NOT vice/versa. But yeah, we knew whatcha meant -- [Whatchamas-tryin'tosay, mang.]
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Privatizing the ROLE(s) of the United States Military... [RANT WARNING!]
SUPERPOST EXPERIMENT: I'm just adding to the same week-old post on Blackwater, or something... [Don't drink it; For God's sake, who even said it was "water"?]
Bush/Cheney/Halliburton, sure... But does anybody in their right mind think occupying Iraq -- $TILL, $ome $IX YEAR$ later -- has, is, or will-ever accomnplish ANYTHING for Our Country? ...?
("'Tis of Thee!"?) Jesus / Crazy!
To a KID (35 years old, in 2005!) who started a rivate "Security" Company called Blackwater... Overpaid MERCENARIES in a "War Zone" [Iraq] protecting Diplomats, Dignitaries, and Military Generals... While OUR TROOPS are drivin' around, under-equipped and unarmored, underpaid, doing "patrols," out among the [terr'ists] PEOPLE OF IRAQ, who often-times are SNIPING them, and BLOWING-UP their Trucks... killing them!
Privatizing the Military... JESUS CHRIST!
Oh that Kid-founder/CEO
of Blackwater -
- who was only 32 years-old
when Bush/Cheney's Iraq-
occupation began --
his parents & in-laws
were, like, 4 of the top 5
Bush/Cheney & REPUBLICANS over the last decade...
Nice little EXPLOITATION of his family's money,
and their POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS, to make "a killing" financially...
Weaseling your TAX DOLLARS during a "war;"
Crony Corporate Welfare...
Somethin' made me think of Dick Cheney...
*The "Guns Don't Kill..." quote: 'stolen!
I believe from: I heard-it from Sir Stephen...
Stephen Colbert, on the Comedy Channel's "Colbert Report," Herb.
Bush/Cheney/Halliburton, sure... But does anybody in their right mind think occupying Iraq -- $TILL, $ome $IX YEAR$ later -- has, is, or will-ever accomnplish ANYTHING for Our Country? ...?
("'Tis of Thee!"?) Jesus / Crazy!


To a KID (35 years old, in 2005!) who started a rivate "Security" Company called Blackwater... Overpaid MERCENARIES in a "War Zone" [Iraq] protecting Diplomats, Dignitaries, and Military Generals... While OUR TROOPS are drivin' around, under-equipped and unarmored, underpaid, doing "patrols," out among the [terr'ists] PEOPLE OF IRAQ, who often-times are SNIPING them, and BLOWING-UP their Trucks... killing them!
Privatizing the Military... JESUS CHRIST!
Oh that Kid-founder/CEO

- who was only 32 years-old
when Bush/Cheney's Iraq-
occupation began --
his parents & in-laws
were, like, 4 of the top 5
Bush/Cheney & REPUBLICANS over the last decade...
Nice little EXPLOITATION of his family's money,
and their POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS, to make "a killing" financially...
Weaseling your TAX DOLLARS during a "war;"
Crony Corporate Welfare...
Somethin' made me think of Dick Cheney...
*The "Guns Don't Kill..." quote: 'stolen!
I believe from: I heard-it from Sir Stephen...
Stephen Colbert, on the Comedy Channel's "Colbert Report," Herb.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Dana Perino is the new White House Press Secretary... I thought she was 1) PRETTY HOT, for 2) an OLDER LADY...

1) But... then she spewed George Bush's (unique) memory of the lead-up to the Iraq "war," and her face sorta collapsed into her skull -- metaphorically, of course -- and she wasn't so "hot," or "pretty" anymore.

2) And, as if that wasn't traumatic enough, ...Then I found out she's like
7 years younger
than yours-truly...
[She was born
in, uh... 1972.]
And now she's, more-and-more, just another lying-and/or-dumb little "Bushie." 'Sold her soul to the Sinking Ship... The Bush administration... FAILURE. It's too bad, Herb.