The New York Times; no surprise there.
It's a long article about SENATOR HILLARY CLINTON'S MARRIAGE; Titled:
"For Clintons, Delicate DanceChris Matthews talked about the article on Hardball, endlessly. [?] BO-RING! [!]
Of Married and Public Lives"
I'll say it: "Who cares?" SERIOUSLY.
(World melts, everything's ruined, Baghdad-burns and people die.)
THE END, Herb.
6/4 UPDATE: From the recently-added MEDIA MATTERS BANNER, somewhere to the right...
The stupid-stupid-stupid (Clinton-marriage-gossip) "news" article seems to be all some people care about, apparently. See these headlines, 6/4/06 articles from the banner:
Broder again defended his Clinton marriage speculation: "the Clintons have presented themselves to the public as a couple"
Marriage mania: Since New York Times ran article on the Clintons' marriage, Matthews has asked at least 90 questions on the subject...