FOX NEWS: Neither Fair, Nor Balanced... And Deservedly NOT Hosting Democratic Primary Debate(s)!
Everybody else has BOYCOTTED:
No Edwards,
No Hillary;
No... 'Bama!
No Richardson.
No Dodd? Nope.
"Fox 'News'?" NO THANK YOU!
A newly disclosed court filing from special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald reveals that former CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson was indeed a covert agent who had traveled overseas undercoverJoe Wilson exposed Bush-Cheney's IRAQ WAR LIES, so Cheney and the VP's Office attacked the man's wife. What's wrong with that?when her identity was revealed by G.O.P. gossip-columnist Bob Novak.
But pundits on the right continue to defend Novak and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, who was convicted of perjury in the leak investigation...
...Republican pundits (have long insisted) that Plame was not a covert agent. Even White House spokesman Tony Snow told Fox News host Bill O'Reilly in February, "She wasn't a covert agent."
According to Fitzgerald... Plame traveled "sometimes in true name and sometimes in alias -- but always using cover -- whether official or non-official (NOC) -- with no ostensible relationship to the CIA."
"At heart," she testified, "I am a fairly quiet girl, who tries to do the right thing and tries to treat people kindly along the way."
...the words of Laura Bush from April 2007 that "NO ONE SUFFERS" MORE THAN GEORGE AND LAURA BUSH... watching the Iraq war (on Fox). No one(!)God Bless The Troops, and Bring 'Em Home! Amen, Herb.
Just as Bush said, "I’ve got confidence in Al Gonzales doin’ the job..."
"different people said different things (about different stuff) at different times..."SAY WHAT? (That happened to me, today!)
Young operatives like (Monica) Goodling were apparently allowed to hire and promote based on party membership. Political appointees cleared the way for laws designed to disenfranchise minority voters...Rachel Paulose, similarly, gutted our Federal justice-system... In Minnesota, as the inexperienced newly-installed Bush U.S. Attorney. She was such a hack that the entire career staff at the US Atty's Office in Minnesota QUIT, rather than stay and work under her... nice leadership!
Rachel Paulose, a 33-year-old Republican activist with thin prosecutorial experience, was assigned to Minnesota. If (she) indicted a prominent Democrat tomorrow, everyone would believe it was a political hit...
As Monica Goodling, a key player in the United States attorney scandal, prepares to testify before Congress on Wednesday, the administration’s strategy is clear. It has offered up implausible excuses, hidden the most damaging evidence and feigned memory lapses, while hoping that the public’s attention moves on. But this scandal is too important for the public or Congress to move on. This story should not end until Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is gone, and the serious damage that has been done to the Justice Department is repaired.Thank you! Let's hear it for the "Old Gray Lady!" It's nice to see the media call a spade a "spade."
The Justice Department is no ordinary agency. Its 93 United States attorney offices, scattered across the country, prosecute federal crimes ranging from public corruption to terrorism. These prosecutors have enormous power: they can wiretap people’s homes, seize property and put people in jail for life. They can destroy businesses, and affect the outcomes of elections. It has always been understood that although they are appointed by a president, usually from his own party, once in office they must operate in a nonpartisan way, and be insulated from outside pressures.
This understanding has badly broken down.It is now clear that United States attorneys were pressured to act in the interests of the Republican Party, and lost their job if they failed to do so. The firing offenses of the nine prosecutors who were purged last year were that they would not indict Democrats, they investigated important Republicans, or they would not try to suppress the votes of Democratic-leaning groups with baseless election fraud cases.
The degree of partisanship in the department is shocking...
It is hard not to see the fingerprints of Karl Rove...
Justice Department headquarters has become deeply partisan. Young operatives like Ms. Goodling were apparently allowed to hire and promote based on party membership. Political appointees cleared the way for laws designed to disenfranchise minority voters, and brought litigation to remove Democratic-leaning voters from the rolls.
The department’s integrity lies in tatters. As a result of the purge, Tim Griffin, a Republican operative and Karl Rove protégé, was installed as the top federal prosecutor in eastern Arkansas. Rachel Paulose, a 33-year-old Republican activist with thin prosecutorial experience, was assigned to Minnesota. If either indicted a prominent Democrat tomorrow, everyone would believe it was a political hit.
Congress has to save the Justice Department, something President Bush shows no interest in doing. It should pass a resolution of "no confidence"
in Mr. Gonzales,
and push for his removal. But it also needs to insist on new leadership that will restore the department’s traditions of professionalism and impartiality, and re-establish that in the United States, the legal system does not work to advance the interests of a political party.
THE FOLLOWING IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE:That could get messy, Herb.
Hypothetically... If I were a Democrat, and I got a summons or subpoena from the Federal District Court in my state -- for any reason -- I would write a letter to the Judge, explaining why I would not be responding. I bet that Judge would be furious, at somebody!
Maybe, in this hypothetical, I'd appeal all the way to the Supreme Court, where I'd ask Alito & Roberts to recuse themselves from the case, for obvious reasons.
[T]he Justice Department needs to find a new Deputy Attorney General for a lame-duck administration (George W. Bush), under a scandal-plagued Attorney General (Alberto Gonzales).These guys are good! But, Al's... 'bout to lose his battleship, I 'spect, Herb.
And now no one wants the gig? Who would've guessed?
No one is asking Mr. Bush to talk about classified information, and no one is discounting the terrorist threat. But there is a serious question here about how far Mr. Bush went to pressure his lawyers to implement his view of the law. There is an even more serious question about the president's willingness, that effort having failed, to go beyond the bounds of what his own Justice Department found permissible.
The president would like to make this unpleasant controversy disappear behind the national-security curtain. That cannot be allowed to happen. [END]
The Commerce Department's inspector general, who is supposed to look into complaints of wrongdoing by government officials, committed "egregious violations" of the federal lawA: NOTHING'S WRONG; IT'S HOW OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT "WORKS" NOW. DUH, HERB.that protects whistle-blowers by retaliating against two subordinates, a government investigation has concluded.
The U.S. Office of Special Counsel found that Inspector General Johnnie E. Frazier wrongly demoted the two employees during an investigation of his spending, according to a copy of the report obtained by The Washington Post. It concluded that Frazier's actions violated the Whistleblower Protection Act...
[The Bush] White House
has mainly used 'classification' as a way to keep embarrassing information out of public view...
The Reverend Jerry Falwell, a former spokesman for America's Moral Majority, has denounced the BBC TV children's show. He says it does not provide a good role model for children because Tinky Winky is gay!And if you're thinkin' he wasn't so bad recently: In an April 2007 interview (recently!),Cheerful Tinky Winky, the purple character with the triangular aerial on his head, carries a handbag - but apart from that seems much the same as his friends Laa-Laa, Dipsy and Po...
In an article called Parents Alert: Tinky Winky Comes Out of the Closet, he says: "He is purple - the gay-pride colour; and his antenna is shaped like a triangle - the gay-pride symbol..." -END
"I have an 'ABC' philosophy:Jesus, Jerry, you sound like Lucifer...
Anyone but Clinton..."
[B]efore the midterm Congressional elections of November 2006, presidential political advisor Karl Rove orchestrated a large-scale effort to suppress voter turnout among potentially Democratic constituencies, leveraging
Department of Justice resources in the process...
[T]estimony and statements to Congressional investigators made clear that the decision to proceed with “voter fraud” charges in a series of dubious cases resulted from direction from partisan politicaloperatives in the White House, including Rove.
[W]eeks before last year’s pivotal midterm elections, the White House urged the Justice Department to pursue voter-fraud allegations against Democrats in three battleground states, a high-ranking Justice official has told congressional investigators.
[Twice] in October 2006, President Bush’s political adviser, Karl Rove, or his deputies passed the allegations on to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’ then-chief of staff, Kyle Sampson...
Welcome to the new American economy: general consumer activity down, sales at Saks Fifth Avenue up...
"I talk to a lot of families who have got a loved one in Iraq or Afghanistan, or anywhere else in this global-war-on-terror, and they are in constant communication with their loved one. That's amazing, isn't it.(?) You've got a kid in Iraq who is emailing mom daily, talking about the realities of what he or she sees."The INTERNETS?" Jesus Christ...
Information is moving -- you know, nightly news is one way, of course, but it's also moving through the blogosphere and through the Internets. It's amazing how many emails I see from people that are writing in what they think and what they hear..."