Monday, October 31, 2005
DICK CHENEY should RESIGN! Before it's too FUBAR to fix!

Dick Cheney's DAMAGE TOTAL, List, whatever... So I started thinking: How much time, money, and resources... and damn, how many lives? We need to evaluate the consequences of EVERYTHING he directed for Bush, or hi-jacked! With W's affinity for "clearin' brush," VACATIONING, and "Mount'n Bike-ing," Cheney's been in charge of at least half of the BUSH POLICY FAILURES. Examples: Energy Policy, Iraq War, .

Here's the thing: We can't really start calculating the damage Dick done. It would be a waste of time, because HE IS STILL WRECKING-SHIT, EVERY DAY! He's making things worser(sic); And he LIES about WHAT he's doing, then LIES separately about WHY he's doing, it. Then, he denies that he said, did, or lied about anything.
So, with this post, we at thisjuncture DEMAND & INSIST("Hope" will work!) that Dick Cheney RESIGN(S) IMMEDIATELY, from the Office of the VP, in order that We might save The United States of America...

(Cue the Marching Band, Bob:
Just kiddin' around.)
(Well... it's not funny!
He's done some damage!)
This is a rough-draft: Dick Cheney, as GWB's Vice President, has:
Ruined, destroyed, lost, and wasted...
Squandered, stole, perverted, and/or
WRECKED the following:
Our Military
Our Treasury
Our Environment
Our Safety
Our Security
Our Economy
Our Reputation
Our Honor
Our Integrity
Our Privacy
Our Rights
Our Government
Our Strength
Our Future
Social Security
The National Guard
Our Military Reserves
Our Values
Our Money
Our Knowledge
Our Priorities
Our Freedom
Our Access
Our Oversight
Our Intelligence Capabilities
Our Health
Our Climate
Our Independence
Our Capacity
Our Options
Our Dignity
Our Potential
Our Influence
Our Work
Our Confidence
Our Elections
Our Country
Our Media
Our Character
Our Moral High Ground
Our Pride
Our Sacrifices
Our Communities
Our... Okay Damn-it, EVERYTHING:
Peace, (NOTE: This is a "work in progress," and as such, subject to review and editing... And this is where I got a little carried away. But, so... You know!)
Existentialism, (I don't even know how I spelled it/Forget what it means!)
Little kittens,
Gas Prices, (Note, add to the good-list!)
Clean Air,
Clean Water,
Fresh Berries,
Boysenberry Syrup,
The Messiah,
Anyway, there's some stuff up-top, good examples of the DAMAGE Cheney has done as Bush's VP, which may soon be irreparable(un-repairable).
And if anybody besides Ricky has gotten this far, without any explanation of what "FUBAR" means (for those un-familiar;), in the title--way UP there, then you probably forgot the title, or better yet: Don't care! F.U.B.A.R. It's an "acronym," for(WARNED: Rated "PG"/For Language):
Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition
That's FUBAR, folks, "F.U.B.A.R.":
Nice to know SOMEBODY ELSE felt the way I did, about things... and they came up with a catchy acronym. That's nice! Wish I knew who did it, I could bake 'em a pie! Thanks!
Roger, Herb.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Dick Cheney Under Oath? NEVER!
This NY Times article from Tuesday says this:

Does the Times-quote above mean that Dick Cheney has met MORE THAN ONCE with Fitz for Grand Jury testimony? Alone?
What about Bush?
Imagine: Our DISTINGUISHED PRESIDENT being examined by Federal Prosecutors, while under-oath and alone... No "handlers" to coach him:
"None of 'em... sound familiar. Sir, can I go now? I gotta go Potty.
Testifying "Under oath," for Cheney, considering Fitzgerald's TWO-YEAR PILE of other evidence/testimony(You know, the post-Ashcroft stuff), might be problematic for the VP, considering his proclivity for things like lying and obsessive-secrecy. -HW
UPDATE, 10/30: Late... In the "comments" area of THIS POST at comment), I found confirmation that I'M NOT CRAZY; or at least not-alone:

"Mr. Cheney was interviewed under oath by Mr. Fitzgerald last year. It is not known what the vice president told Mr. Fitzgerald about the conversation with Mr. Libby or when Mr. Fitzgerald first learned of it."Wait... "Interviewed under oath?" I thought Cheney and Bush met with Fitzgerald IN THE OVAL OFFICE, TOGETHER, and NOT UNDER OATH! Right? Remember? The media at the time didn't seem to have any problem with the keeping-their-stories-straight-tagteam, and not-under-oath "rules".

Does the Times-quote above mean that Dick Cheney has met MORE THAN ONCE with Fitz for Grand Jury testimony? Alone?
What about Bush?

"...THE-TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, & NOTHING-BUT...?""Uhh, No sir. I don't reckonize ANY o' those names, Your Honor."
"None of 'em... sound familiar. Sir, can I go now? I gotta go Potty.
Testifying "Under oath," for Cheney, considering Fitzgerald's TWO-YEAR PILE of other evidence/testimony(You know, the post-Ashcroft stuff), might be problematic for the VP, considering his proclivity for things like lying and obsessive-secrecy. -HW
UPDATE, 10/30: Late... In the "comments" area of THIS POST at comment), I found confirmation that I'M NOT CRAZY; or at least not-alone:
"According to the NYT, they made a mistake, Cheney was not under oath when he answered questions for Fitzgerald in June of 2004."END-UPDATE.
Friday, October 28, 2005
"Patietnce, my blue friend..."

The quote in the title is from The Phantom Menace (Yoda?), I found it here, where some guy has accumulated "sexually tilted lines" from the Star Wars movies... ("blue friend?")
But, it's kinda-funny, like this clip:
RETURN OF THE JEDI...I just thought: While we were waiting, Herb.
09) Hey Luke, Thanks for coming after me!
10) She's gonna blow!!
Update: I'm not sure about that Star Wars site, maybe not for kids. If you take some of those lines outta-context, it's just...
"Not that there's..." End!.
Fitzgerald's White-House-Leak Investigation "CONTINUES!"

(Rove's attorney)Robert Luskin, said in a statement this morning,
"The Special Counsel has advised Mr. Rove that he has made no decision about whether or not to bring charges and that Mr. Rove's status has not changed."And Josh at has another morsel:
"AP identifies "official A" as Karl Rove, according to three people close to the investigation."Ahh-Hah! -HW
Ambassador Joseph Wilson, on White House Indictments
In a humble statement today, here at buzzflash, Joe Wilson,(excerpt):

He also said: It's not a day to celebrate!
Humble, for a man whose wife was attacked by cowardly, corrupt, WAR-LYING politicians. Mob-style thugs: Ruined his wife's carreer and "sent a message," and all because he wanted The People to know the truth!
"Welcome to 19-84!"
Herbal wisdom says,
1) Fitz continues his investigation, of Rove in particular! (Cheney too?)
2) And NOTE: The Wilsons will, and well-should, sue $Bush and $Cheney ( in civil court... Why?
His family(wife) was targeted by the government, at the highest level, in a disgraceful and illegal abuse of power, his wife's carrer and her (Our!) work at the CIA was ruined, and they've slandered and LIBELED Wilson and his wife, themselves and through surrogates, endlessly for over two years. Abuse of power, intent, motives, malice, etc., would all be factored in to determine DAMAGES due the Wilsons! The other flavor of Justice... And thank you, Ken Starr! (Fitz's Grand Jury evidence/testimony too.)
[Remember, OJ Simpson was "acquitted" of murder, but held LIABLE for wrongful-death to the victims' families, for millions of dollars]
Those pesky whitewater-lewinsky-jones precedents, Herb.
...Today is a sad day for America. When an indictment is delivered at the front door of the White House, the Office of the President is defiled. No citizen can take pleasure from that.

He also said: It's not a day to celebrate!
Humble, for a man whose wife was attacked by cowardly, corrupt, WAR-LYING politicians. Mob-style thugs: Ruined his wife's carreer and "sent a message," and all because he wanted The People to know the truth!
"Welcome to 19-84!"
"THE OFFICE OF THESee the link above for Wilson's full statement, it's good; And he says he'll wait for justice... i.e., There's more(!) after this brief "INTERMISSION!"
Herbal wisdom says,
1) Fitz continues his investigation, of Rove in particular! (Cheney too?)
2) And NOTE: The Wilsons will, and well-should, sue $Bush and $Cheney ( in civil court... Why?

[Remember, OJ Simpson was "acquitted" of murder, but held LIABLE for wrongful-death to the victims' families, for millions of dollars]
Those pesky whitewater-lewinsky-jones precedents, Herb.
ANTICLIMACTIC? ... Or: Cheney loses his little Scooter!

Karl "Caught Lyin'" Rove keeps his pants, for another day! Heck, we might have to Trademark another catch-phrase, "Rove CIA Leak Scandal(Tm)" may not work so well(?) anymore. But, Keep Hope Alive my brothers & sisters!
My first thoughts on the substance of the Grand Jury's FIVE INDICTMENTS against Scooter Libby is somethin' like this:

But, hey, I'm still workin' for "Fitzgeral-2008." He's cool, man! I faxed him at the Prosecutor's Office, just to let him know I'm available for a modest fee, campaign-manager, whatever (okay, volunteer).
And I still think she's beautiful:

Thursday, October 27, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Patience... Patience damnit!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005
"POLICE & THIEVES... in the Street!"

(Junior Murvin: Bob Marley guitarist, solo artist, and wrote the "song heard 'round the world." As heard on The CLASH's first U.S. album.) Lyrics, first verse:
Police and thieves in the streetsTheme being: THEY'RE ALL CROOKS & LIARS!
Oh yeah!
Scaring the nation with their guns and ammunition
Police and thieves in the street
Oh yeah!
Fighting the nation with their guns and ammunition
Have a nice day :), Herb.
Scootered and Boltoned?
RE: Cheney's partner, Scooter Libby,
Steve Clemons says:
See the whole Clemons article. -HW.
Steve Clemons says:
...My hunch is that he went to trusted spear-carriers for Vice President Cheney -- the office and staff of Under Secretary of State John Bolton. Fred Fleitz, Bolton's chief of staff, maintained his CIA WINPAC portfolio and access as an active duty CIA staff member while he operated as Bolton's "acting" chief of staff. We know that Fleitz was a key part of the intelligence cherry-picking/stove-piping operation when it came to both the intel and policy response to various global WMD concerns -- in North Korea, Libya, Iran, and Iraq.

See the whole Clemons article. -HW.
Monday, October 24, 2005
G.O.P. SCANDAL Overload...

Frist, Harriet, and Delay one the one hand... Cheney, Libby, Rove, et. al. on the other.
Runnin' Outta Hands! I'm takin' a sabbatical(?) for a week; Get your breaking news and analysis from the links on the right, and watch The Daily Show for news. (It's on the Comedy Central channel, of course.) I'm thinking Fiji'd be nice... (And no, I'm NOT fleeing any jurisdiction.) Will post from The Islands if possible. Later, Herb.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
It's all just background noise... I'm not gonna pay attention.

Disclaimer-update, added 10/24/05: The podium-picture at the top of this post, is in no way intended to convey presidential endorsement, nor his support. (It's a joke!)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Valerie Wilson's Maiden Name
Here'e the money-paragraph from this NY Times article on the Rove CIA Leak investigation:
Follow-the-leaker: Bolton-Miller-Novak, Herb.
It is still not publicly known who first told the columnist Robert D. Novak the identity of the C.I.A. officer, Valerie Wilson. Mr. Novak identified her in a column on July 14, 2003, using her maiden name, Valerie Plame. Mr. Fitzgerald knows the identity of this source, a person who is not believed to work at the White House, the lawyers said.We at the "juncture" think(speculate) that it's all-around corrupt-neoCon-incompetent and Judy Miller crony, and unfortunately for the Earth, our UN Ambassador-by-appointment, John Bolton:

High Crimes and Misdemeanors?
Rove and Libby (and George and Dick and Con-di) exposed an UNDERCOVER C.I.A. (WMD!) AGENT, for SPITE... While we were "at war" with a neutered-country that THEY TOLD US had wmd's; An "imminenet threat," they said. (Thanks Judy!) But, they knew that wasn't the reason for the war. THEY LIED!
High crimes and misdemeanors? Weh-heh-hell...
Just think, Joe Wilson was a THREAT, to them, ONLY because he wanted the People to know the truth: Iraq wasn't a threat, they didn't have nukes! -Herb
High crimes and misdemeanors? Weh-heh-hell...
Just think, Joe Wilson was a THREAT, to them, ONLY because he wanted the People to know the truth: Iraq wasn't a threat, they didn't have nukes! -Herb
Thursday, October 20, 2005
"...The MOST Insidious of TRAITORS!"
The President's own FATHER, George H. W. Bush, former CIA Director and America's 41st President, on exposing Intelligence-sources:

And to follow-up on the Ken Starr post below, we should now expect the White House to start turning over documents aplenty. And soon! The President lied. There's no privilege anymore...
Also, we can expect sworn testimony from the President, ALL his lawyers (Harriet!), his secretaries, and Secret Service agents; Also: hearsay, rumors, innuendo, and DNA samples from the President (And his cabinet)! Investigate it all, spare no expense!
Thanks Ken! Holding my breath, waiting for the press-pile-on.(No semen stains) -Herb.

"I have nothing but contempt and anger for those who betray the trust by exposing the name of our sources. They are, in my view, the most insidious of traitors." [George H. W. Bush, from a speech at the CIA, 4/26/1999]"Aid and comfort," anoyone? Harboring and protecting traitors to our Country, and during a "time of war," no less. (Tayrists!)
And to follow-up on the Ken Starr post below, we should now expect the White House to start turning over documents aplenty. And soon! The President lied. There's no privilege anymore...
Also, we can expect sworn testimony from the President, ALL his lawyers (Harriet!), his secretaries, and Secret Service agents; Also: hearsay, rumors, innuendo, and DNA samples from the President (And his cabinet)! Investigate it all, spare no expense!
Thanks Ken! Holding my breath, waiting for the press-pile-on.(No semen stains) -Herb.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tom Delay in Austin, Texas.
Poor guy! 'Feel bad...
Okay(!), Book him, Herb.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Cheney, Rove, Libby, Miller, Novak, McLellan, et. al.

Add your favorites in comments, Herb
Update: Respectfully adding to the list above:
Bolton, Rice, and Fleischer.
Update II: Josh at, links to this list of EVERYONE who has appeared before Fitz's Grand Jury. It includes everybody! Thanks, Herb.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Cheney Too, W.H. CIA Leaker!

He's been obsessed with Iraq's oil since he was Bush 41's Defense-Secretary, and didn't get to seize the oil after destroying Iraq's army in 1991.

But, back in the middle of Dick's "nuke threat" excuse-a-thon for AEI & PNAC's dream-scam("cakewalk" control of iraq), he wasn't about to let some taxpaying carreer civil-servant expose the truth: It was all a BIG LIE. Dicky likes OIL!
Joe Wilson was right, they lied, so why'd they attack his wife? Yeah, Mmm-Hmm, Herb.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
UN Ambassador-By-Appointment, John Bolton, Key Leaker? Judy??

This post, I "edited-it"(hard to say!), HW
Thursday, October 13, 2005
"Criminalization of Politics," or Politics of Common Criminals?
Gene Lyons has an article here, on those pesky g.o.p. scandals (two excerpts, emphasis mine):
Crooks; thieves; liars, Herb.
1)Kristol also lamented "the criminalization of politics." Well, cry me a river. Where were Kristol and his magazine during the late Clinton scandals? Beating the drum for Kenneth Starr and his leak-o-matic team of Whitewater fantasists and bed sheet sniffers, naturally. Fake lawsuits, phony investigations, trumped-up accusations, the lot. All justified by Bill Clinton’s extravagant folly and desperate little lies, they insisted. (edit: "Amen brother!")"Bed sheet sniffers..." Hee-heehee!
2)At bottom, the Plame investigation is about how the U.S. deluded itself into invading Iraq on false pretenses, about the substitution of radical-right ideology for professional intelligence gathering and political revenge taken against dissenters from the party line. (edit: or their CIA-asset wives.)
Crooks; thieves; liars, Herb.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Go Get 'Em, Hammy! Heh heh... Best Prez'dent Ever?

Oh (!) my God, he looks so proud of his LAME choice. Creepy (yahoonews)picture... Actually, I don't feel well. Clueless bubble-boy! Safer?
What will we tell the children?
Whatever Harriet says, damnit, Shut-up!
(" governor ever?" STOP!!! Cheese-Foul!) Honestly! Hmmmph, Herb.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Corrupt BOOB Exposed!

Or so it must have seemed, until Ashcroft was forced to recuse himself due to several obvious conflicts of interest. Patrick Fitzgerald was appointed Prosecutor, and the first REAL investigation of the Bush administration (since Florida 2000!) began. And now, hysterically, they're all scrambling to explain those early lies away; to reconcile the Ashcroft-lies with Fitzgerald's contradictory evidence.
"I must have forgotten... Oh, but now I remember! Yeah."
So, might as well include Ashcroft in the ROVE-CIA-LEAK CONSPIRACY & COVER-UP SCANDAL, with the rest of W's entire Cabinet.
[Background on the picture here]. --Herb.
Money Laundering 101

MONEY LAUNDERING - Conduct designed in whole or in part to conceal or disguise the nature, source, or control of money to avoid a transaction reporting requirement under state or federal law. Transferring of "dirty money" into legitimate channels so that its original source cannot be traced. (Source: Black's)Checkmate(?), Herb.
Federal Crime under 18USCode-1956.
Monday, October 10, 2005
The Abramoff-Delay Republican Investigation TIME BOMB
Kevin Drum, here, concludes:
"It's only a matter of time until all this digging uncovers a piece of the scandal that (a) affects someone important, like DeLay or Karl Rove and (b) is pretty easy to understand. Then it all starts to unravel.
Abramoff's roots run very deep in the Republican corruption machine. Once people start paying attention, it's not going to be a pretty sight."
Gettin' popcorn, Herb.
"It's only a matter of time until all this digging uncovers a piece of the scandal that (a) affects someone important, like DeLay or Karl Rove and (b) is pretty easy to understand. Then it all starts to unravel.
Abramoff's roots run very deep in the Republican corruption machine. Once people start paying attention, it's not going to be a pretty sight."
Gettin' popcorn, Herb.
Bird Flu, Nothing to do?

That would be ironic, huh? -HW.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Rove CIA Spite-Leak Scandal... Breaking News:
See What Karl Rove told the President: Murray Waas has latest. -Herb.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Low, lower... lower? 37%! Wonder why?

Poll: Bush Ratings Hit New Low 37%, -Ouch!
"New low," indeed. Wonder why?
Hmmm. More here. David Corn:
Isn't it about time for Republicans and White House to start smearing Fitzgerald as a partisan hack?Thirty-seven, 'Bout time!!! Mass awakening, or group-disillusionment? Media-finds-balls, or: Scandal-rama? Or all the above? You decide!
/ (Ed: Or attack his wife/family?) //
Bush's supposed political capital is draining faster than the waters of Lake Pontchartrain pouring through a busted levee...
(Jim "W" Beam?) Hiatus, Herb.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
"Executive Privilege" or Power?
The President had a Harriet Miers Excuse-a-thon press conference Tuesday where he said Miers shares HIS opinions regarding executive privilege (power):
He can't be expected to answer Congress or the Courts, see, 'cuz he needs
"...good sound opinions."
Here's a brain-twister:
Name ONE "good sound opinion" he has gotten as President in his secret CRONY OIL meetings! Ken Lay pickin' the Energy regulators? Nope. Neoconned War in Iraq? No. (Big) Dick for vp? Well, no... If you find one, a good OR sound opinion, leave it in the comment section (with the spam). Herb.
He can't be expected to answer Congress or the Courts, see, 'cuz he needs
"...good sound opinions."
Here's a brain-twister:
Name ONE "good sound opinion" he has gotten as President in his secret CRONY OIL meetings! Ken Lay pickin' the Energy regulators? Nope. Neoconned War in Iraq? No. (Big) Dick for vp? Well, no... If you find one, a good OR sound opinion, leave it in the comment section (with the spam). Herb.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Josh Marshall, on Harriet's Confirmation Hearings
Yeah, what Josh says:
"...Miers has been involved -- often deeply involved -- in pretty much everything that the White House has been trying to keep secret for going on five years. That should make for interesting questioning."
That sounds about right! -HW-
"...Miers has been involved -- often deeply involved -- in pretty much everything that the White House has been trying to keep secret for going on five years. That should make for interesting questioning."
That sounds about right! -HW-
Monday, October 03, 2005
Why'd they kill the animals?

The party in power (bastards!) wants to abandon the weakest of God's animals, ENDANGERED SPECIES. Surprised? Nope! Nevertheless, Americablog has the story here: GOP House trying to gut Endangered Species Act. Grrrr, Herb.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
W.H. Treason Scandal

"Caught Lyin'"
Karl Rove
The lid's about to blow on the Rove CIA-Leak Scandal. It seems it goes all the way to the top. Who'll get the Medal? For a good update (or two), see: dailykos here, and David Corn here. -Herb.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
"No Child Left" Propaganda Was Illegal
GAO investigation concludes: The Armstrong Williams "No Child Left" Puppet Show, produced by the White House but sold as "news," was intentionally misleading and illegal. NY Times:
The Education Department flouted the law by telling (P.R. Firm)Ketchum to use Mr. Williams to "convey a message to the public on behalf of the government, without disclosing to the public that the messengers were acting on the government's behalf and in return for the payment of public funds," the G.A.O. said.File under: "You Paid For It," Herb.