Drug Addict Fatty, Radio Show-host Rush Limbaugh... Slanders Our Men In Uniform, Calling Them "Phony Soldiers!"
Rush "fat-ass-junkie" Limbaugh thinks if ANY U.S. TROOPS wanna come home -- like they were promised, before their "mission" was extended; and then extended, again, to the point where they don't have a clue anymore what they're doing there; -- then they're not real American Soldiers... [As if he has any clue about soldiering.]
SAYS FAT-ASS LIMBAUGH... "They're phony soldiers."
Rush Limbaugh faked an "anal cyst" on his butt, when The United States of America needed him to go to Vietnam, like so many others his age. He got his daddy to get him out of Service for A ZIT ON HIS ASS! That's a true story, from the fat pig heroin-addict who now feels he can JUDGE OUR TROOPS! It's so OFFENSIVE and BEYOND HYPOCRISY, that there's not even a word for it... For Rush Limbaugh's comments and conduct.
DNC Press Release:
Rush Limbaugh (said several times) on his radio show Wednesday that service members who support U.S. withdrawal from Iraq must be "phony soldiers..."
"Rush Limbaugh should immediately apologize to our brave men and women in uniform for undermining the sacrifices they make every day serving our country. Limbaugh's comments were un-American, have no place in the public discourse, and show just how far he'll go to defend President Bush's failed policy in Iraq. America's troops deserve better, and Limbaugh owes them an apology.
Rush Limbaugh Calls Service Members Who Advocate U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq "Phony Soldiers." In response to a caller, a veteran who supported ending the war, Limbaugh and another caller said soldiers who want to bring our troops home were "phony soldiers." The second caller said, "And what's really funny is they never talk to real soldiers. They pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue and spout tothe media." Limbaugh responded, "The phony soldiers."
Paid for and authorized by the
Democratic National Committee...We are NOT Democrats, here at the Juncture, we are: "N.P.A." No Party Affiliation.
But we agreed whole-heartedly with the DNC's condemnation of Fatass Limbaugh; So we reprinted their press-release above. RANT: Rush Limbaugh, draft-dodger, junkie, hypocrite-extrordinaire; A man who has NO BUSINESS criticizing ANYBODY on the planet for ANYTHING... He should look in the mirror, then perhaps cut out his own tongue... For the goiod of the Nation, Herb.